In every family, there are repeating patterns that are passed down from generation to generation until a member comes to recognize the dysfunctional models, evaluates them and decides to break the chain!
How does it work?
By working with the Geneagram, we can break unhelpful ancestral patterns and overcome limiting beliefs. To identify the family patterns we first come to draw our genogram, our family tree in specific ways. This way we have a whole picture of the family structure, family bonds and relationships, repeating models in all aspects etc.
The procceedures
As we start recognizing the paterns and the family beliefs that we have been raised with, we get to see which of them serve us and which don’t. At this point, various techniques and procedures can be added in order to overcome whatever is holding us apart from our full potential in our lives. We can break free from our family’s past and create the life we desire!
The Results
When a family member starts working with their Genogram, a lot of information comes into the light for the whole family. The persons involved in this process are the ones that will break the old dysfanctional and limiting patterns and will unlock a bunch of new possibilities for the following generations.
Is it YOU who will take on this task in your own genealogical line?
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